Machine Washable Microfiber MOP-HEADS

Machine Washable Microfiber MOP-HEADS

Product Description

Two types of Microfiber Mopheads available:

Two Types Microfiber Mopheads Available, both types are Machine Washable: Fluffy type and traditional type.

Fluffy type: DynaMop® own devolopment, the patented fluffy type microfiber mophead is uniquely "open-faced" woven to have great ability to release dirt picked up from the floor.

Traditional type: The absorbent traditional type microfiber mophead spread out to about 14" to 15" in diameter. The loops or braids in the strands make it difficult for the dirt to be released as they tend to trap the dirt inside of the loops.
Many spin mop makers find it necessary to add an "agitator" at the bottom of the rinsing side of the bucket in a failing effort to "shake off" dirt from the strands. The dirt/dust trapped inside the loops never gets released and when accumulation happens the mophead hardens and become useless. DynaMop® fundamentally resolved the issue by developing its Fluffy mophead and there is absolutely no need for an agitator.
DynaMop ® Spin Mop Tradtional Microfiber Mop Head
DynaMop ® Spin Mop Tradtional Microfiber Mop Head
$34.97 4 for $34.97 6 for $40.97 8 for $47.97